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50 Year Old Veteran Blasts Wwe For Not Utilizing Omos

50-Year-Old Veteran Blasts WWE For Not Utilizing Omos

WWE’s handling of Omos has been a source of frustration for many fans, and now a 50-year-old veteran has spoken out about the company’s misuse of the giant.

In an interview with Wrestling Inc., Dutch Mantell criticized WWE for not giving Omos enough opportunities to showcase his skills. Mantell said that Omos is a “special talent” who has the potential to be a major star, but WWE has not done enough to develop him.

“Omos is a special talent,” Mantell said. “He’s got a great look, he’s athletic, and he’s got a lot of charisma. But WWE hasn’t done anything with him. They’ve just thrown him out there with no direction and no story. It’s a shame because he could be a major star.”

Mantell went on to say that WWE needs to give Omos more opportunities to wrestle and develop his character. He said that Omos should be given a chance to compete in more high-profile matches and that he should be given a more defined role within the company.

“WWE needs to give Omos more opportunities to wrestle,” Mantell said. “He needs to be in more high-profile matches and he needs to be given a more defined role within the company. He’s got the potential to be a major star, but WWE needs to do more to develop him.”

It remains to be seen whether WWE will take Mantell’s advice and start giving Omos more opportunities to showcase his skills. However, Mantell’s comments are a reminder that WWE has a lot of work to do if they want to turn Omos into the major star that he has the potential to be.

What do you think of WWE’s handling of Omos? Do you agree with Mantell’s assessment that WWE needs to do more to develop him?
